T5W: Books I haven’t finished (yet)

Apparently I haven’t done a Top 5 Wednesday post since May – shocking, I know. 😮 But I really enjoy this meme, so I’m glad to be back! Today’s theme is books you didn’t finish, but since I really, really dislike giving up on books entirely, I’ve tweaked it slightly… so these are my top 5 books that I will (hopefully) finish one day. Who knows, maybe writing this will inspire me to pick them up again! (Spoiler: It probably won’t. 😉 )

Winston Graham//Demelza5) Demelza by Winston Graham

The most recent addition to my on-hold list is Demelza, the second book in the Poldark series, which I started reading just after Booktubeathon this year, when I was super-into the TV series and wanted to read its source material. I made it about a quarter of the way through before being distracted by other books, but I expect that I’ll be picking it up again when the next series starts airing. 😀

David Mitchell//Cloud Atlas4) Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

I started this one a few years back, before the film was released – it first came to my attention in the form of the movie trailer, which I thought looked really interesting. And I have really enjoyed what I’ve read so far of it, but I just had to put it down for a while, because one of the main characters’ blatant thievery was making me super-uncomfortable… 😳

Sarah Grand//The Heavenly Twins3) The Heavenly Twins by Sarah Grand

I initially picked this up in my masters year at university, after coming across a quote from it that I really loved in one of the texts I was using for my dissertation. Unfortunately, I decided to read it on Google Books, and ended up completely losing my place because my computer crashed, or some such thing. :/ Still, I have an ebook copy of this now, so hopefully I’ll find the time/motivation to start it again in the not-too-distant future… And, for those who are interested, the quote in question was:

“I found a big groove ready waiting for me when I grew up, and in that I was expected to live whether it suited me or not. It did not suit me. It was deep and narrow, and gave me no room to move.”

Bob Haney//Showcase Presents Teen Titans vol. 2

2) Showcase Presents: Teen Titans Volume 2 by Bob Haney, Mike Friedrich, Neal Adams, Robert Kanigher & Steve Skeates

A massive bind-up of some of the earliest Teen Titans comics, which I started reading years ago simply because I love the Teen Titans in all their incarnations… or so I thought. Of all the books on this list, this is the one that I’m most likely to drop entirely, as what I can remember of this comic was much too cheesy for my tastes… :/

Ursula Le Guin//A Wizard of Earthsea1) A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin

This one – the first book in the Earthsea Cycle – I started reading maybe 10 years ago, and stalled about halfway through. I am quite likely to pick this book back up again soon, since I’ve really been in a fantasy mood lately, though I anticipate having to re-start it entirely… The only thing I remember about it is the main character’s name… ^^’

[Top 5 Wednesday was created by gingerreadslainey, and to find out more or join in, please check out the Goodreads group.]